Muckaty Station resident slams lack of consultation with elders


A resident of the Muckaty Station Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory says she will continue the fight against a proposed nuclear waste dump.

The Federal Government recently passed legislation through the Senate that will allow a dump to be built.
Penelope Phillips says she's a traditional owner of the area but wasn't consulted on the Government's decision to use the land as a dump.
Ms. Phillips says no-one has spoken to Muckaty Station elders about the significance of the land to them.
"They didn't come and sit down and talk to none of them old people - the old men and the old ladies - about it.
"They just sort of went ahead and decided.
"The young people asked them to come and challenge them at the country through ceremony to show them the beauty of the country.
"All they want to do is just dump the nuclear waste dump there and just wanted to give them money so they can be happy with it.
"Even [Federal Resources Minister] Martin Ferguson, when they went and seen him in Melbourne, he never went and sat and talked to the TOs that went down there."

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